Proper Eating Routines - EP29 w/ Internationally Known Sports Nutritionist Nancy Clark

In this podcast, we have a conversation with a sports nutritionist, Nancy Clark, who has experience working with soccer teams. Also, she is an author of the guidebook called "Nancy Clark's sports nutrition guidebook" she describes how diets are important in our life.

Today she will explain the importance of a proper diet and food consumption. For example, it is better to have peanut butter with bread rather than not to have any breakfast at all.

0:00-1:12 = Intro.

1:15-6:30 = Nancy Clark’s Experience in Working With Sports Teams.

6:30-7:34 = Should You be Refueling or Fueling Up after Exercising?

7:34-12:58 = Importance of Iron in Body.

12:58-15:07 = A Problem of Young Athletes.

15:07-16:09 = A Perfect Breakfast for a Perfect Day.

16:09-21:28 = Should I Eat a Meal or Have a Snack Before Competition?

21:28-23:03 = The Hidden Importance of Protein.

23:03-27:07 = Increasing Weight Healthily Vs. Unhealthily.

27:07-32:01 = Is Coffee the Same as an Energy Drink? Benefits of Drinkin It?

32:01-33:12 = Is Constantly Working Out Bad?

33:12-37:19 = Nutrition Tips For Optimal Brain Function.

37:19-37:50 = Nancy Clarck's Website.

37:50-38:17 = Outro.

Description done by Anuar

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