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Was “Fast Eddie” a Pioneer in “Zone” Psychology? A Story about Ambition, the Moment, and “The Zone”
You may have heard of “The Zone” as it applies to athletic competition – something like, he or she is playing as if they are in “The Zone.” But what does that truly mean?

Don’t Live in the Past. Live in the Moment.
Having a proper mindset is imperative in all sports. This article explores the importance of living in the moment.

The Power of Distraction… and Controversy
Focus and distraction go hand in hand. In the world of sports, the former is absolutely necessary. This article will go over the intricacies of distractions with examples and connections to the sports world.

You Can’t “Try” to Hit a Baseball
You probably heard the phrase “your mindset is key”. But what does that really mean? It means that you can’t try hitting a baseball. You should allow yourself to hit!