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5 Things You Can Do to Turn Your Pre-Competition Nerves into Positive Energy
If you tend to get nervous before an important athletic event, you’re not alone. But harnessing a negative mindset and conquering your nerves is essential for your success in a game: here are 5 simple things you can do before any competition to help turn your jitters into positive energy.

Why Sleeping Makes You a Better Athlete, Mentally & Physically
A good night’s sleep contributes to the quality of your day, it affects your mood and health in the long run. Moreover, sleep is essential to good performance in any type of sports. Continue reading to find out why!

Race and Sports
In American culture, race is an important factor in society. Racial stereotypes are also deeply intertwined in sports.

5 Sport Psych Myths Busted
There are many misconceptions in the sport psych community that may cause much confusion to young athletes. Here we bust the commonly used myths regarding sport psychology.