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Was “Fast Eddie” a Pioneer in “Zone” Psychology? A Story about Ambition, the Moment, and “The Zone”
You may have heard of “The Zone” as it applies to athletic competition – something like, he or she is playing as if they are in “The Zone.” But what does that truly mean?

A Story for Halloween: Is Fear Why You Fail? Part I
In a scene from the movie, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, an elderly man, a fellow prison inmate of Bruce Wayne (Batman), tells him that fear is why he has not been able to escape from the prison by climbing up a cylindrical tunnel, just as others had failed for the same reason. “Fear is why you fail,” the man said. Wayne said that he was not afraid and demonstrated that by climbing the tunnel to freedom. In sports, is fear why an athlete fails? Perhaps these articles relating a 19th-century American short story about the supernatural, which is often associated with Halloween (Part I), and a real-life example of an alleged fire-balling high school pitcher (Part II) may help you to understand the nature of fear, how opponents may use one’s fear to defeat them, and how fear can prevent an athlete from becoming successful.

Losing – How to Get Over it and Why it can Actually be a Good Thing
Most people don’t like losing, but losing is an essential part of the game. With the right mindset, your response to a loss can be more valuable than a win.

Don’t Live in the Past. Live in the Moment.
Having a proper mindset is imperative in all sports. This article explores the importance of living in the moment.

The Power of Distraction… and Controversy
Focus and distraction go hand in hand. In the world of sports, the former is absolutely necessary. This article will go over the intricacies of distractions with examples and connections to the sports world.

Making a Decision
Many have heard of Simon Biles’s decision to not compete in the vault and uneven bars apparatus finals, yet many have failed to consider the true depths of that decision.

The Conscious Brain vs. the Unconscious Brain
There are significant differences between the conscious and the unconscious parts of your brain. Knowing them can unlock doors in your life that could lead to growth.

Being a Teenager in Sport: How to Deal With Difficult Teammates
Sometimes, it’s difficult to navigate through sports when your teammates aren’t the most supportive. Here are tips to help you in those types of situations.

You Can’t “Try” to Hit a Baseball
You probably heard the phrase “your mindset is key”. But what does that really mean? It means that you can’t try hitting a baseball. You should allow yourself to hit!

Important Mental Skills Fencing Can Teach You
Fencing is a sport that requires speed, agility, strength, and toughness. However, what many people don't know is that there are other psychological aspects that follow. Some of the attributes that fencers learn from their sport can be transferred to real life and this article will present some of them:

3 Types of Positive Self-Talk to Calm Your Mind and Perform Better
If you have an inner voice that you use to talk to yourself, then you already use the famous mind tool of self-talk! Read the blog to know more about that tool and why it works to calm yourself and enhance your performance!

“I Didn’t Play Well! Now What?” 5 Mistakes to Avoid After a Bad Performance
Think about a time when you experienced a dissatisfying or bad performance during your training or competitions. What did you do? Find out if you did any of these 5 mistakes to avoid after a bad performance and how to deal with a bad performance!

Quick, Easy Ways of Coping With Trash Talkers
Every athlete has encountered trash-talking in sports competitions. It forces you to lose focus and get frustrated with yourself and your game. But how does this emotional control work and how do you cope with it?

5 Mental Steps for a Healthier Recovery from Sport Injuries
Injuries can happen to any athlete and they can make you feel hopeless and downhearted. It often takes time to heal and be back at your full potential which can cause frustration. Here are five ways to have a strong and healthy psychological comeback when confronted with an injury on any scale of severity.