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The Tired Athlete: An Issue Of Under Recovery
Feeling lethargic during even the lightest workouts may have nothing to do with your athletic ability. Consider the factors below that affect your performance and make a lifestyle change! Are you tired? You started your workout in a great mood, but after a few minutes, you gasp for air and feel that your strength has left you. We know why!

Rejection in Sports: Steps To Bounce Back
Rejection: there will not be a single athlete in the world that won’t face this at some point in their careers. Often this can be the making or breaking of them in terms of being successful sportspeople. But how do the elite athletes positively cope with this? Here we take a look at some simple to execute steps that will help young athletes overcome this with maturity.

5 Sport Psych Myths Busted
There are many misconceptions in the sport psych community that may cause much confusion to young athletes. Here we bust the commonly used myths regarding sport psychology.