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Becoming a Champion of the Court (but without the racket)
When you think about tennis, it may seem like a very physically demanding sport. However, while there are a lot of physical demands, there are also a lot of mental aspects that need to be trained as well. Read more to learn how winning your match actually depends on your mental toughness and less on your physical training.

A Story for Halloween: Is Fear Why You Fail? Part II
In THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW, at the conclusion of the chase, which resulted in Ichabod Crane’s escape, Washington Irving offered this warning: “…He that runs races with goblin troopers [ghosts], is likely to have rough riding of it.” In other words, if you believe that Headless Horsemen and other apparitions exist, like the alleged flame-throwing pitcher you are about to read about, you will have a tough time in doing whatever you are trying to do.

5 Essential Areas of Sport Psychology
Sports psychology can seem a bit overwhelming at first, so here are five essential areas to learn if you want to know more about the field.

The Importance of Sleep
Perhaps the greatest habit an athlete can build is one that requires no physical exertion. While seemingly contradictory, sleep and rest are equally if not more important than any level of training an athlete may do.

David Goggin’s Subjugation of Pain
What is the true driving force of endurance? According to ex-Navy SEAL, ultrarunner David Goggins, it is mental fortitude.

The Truth About Taking Time off Sports
The idea of taking time off from sports is often disliked by extremely competitive athletes. However, the key to preventing burnout in athletes is proper rest.

The Power of Composure: From an Athlete’s Perspective
The ability to maintain one’s composure is something that many athletes struggle with. Yet, there is power in staying composed.

How do Learning and Memory Work?
From our youth, we learn many things from many subjects. But, what does learning actually mean? And how does the process truly work?

Sport-Specific Coping Skills after a Setback
Stress from parents, coaches, or even yourself can build high expectations with no room for failure. But, everyone will experience some sort of setback, whether that be in sports or just in life. Here are some common struggles and ways to deal with them.

Taekwondo: Maximum Efficiency & Minimal Harm
Have you ever wanted to learn Taekwondo, yet don’t know what it is? In the world of Taekwondo, individuals are revealed to a versatile, exciting, and attractive Korean environment that captivates and educates through many sources.