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The Power of Distraction… and Controversy
Focus and distraction go hand in hand. In the world of sports, the former is absolutely necessary. This article will go over the intricacies of distractions with examples and connections to the sports world.

What Sets The Elite From The Rest: An Interview with a Tennis Star
As they say, you are the Master of your Mind, it is you who should decide whether you want to remain unable to be motivated or unwilling to be satisfied. Rome was not built in a day; it burned faster than it was built. It takes years of practise, dedication and commitment to become an inspiration but it takes no time to lose everything.

Sport-Specific Coping Skills after a Setback
Stress from parents, coaches, or even yourself can build high expectations with no room for failure. But, everyone will experience some sort of setback, whether that be in sports or just in life. Here are some common struggles and ways to deal with them.